jepara indonesia furniture – Not all gallery visitors are those who really love the artist’s work. Most of them are people who are accompanying those closest to them to enjoy the artist’s paintings, handicrafts or sculptures. This can be a profitable thing for gallery owners too.

The gallery owners can attract the attention of those who are completely unfamiliar with visiting the gallery. Such a good idea in making them comfortable for a long time in the gallery with various wooden furniture as ornaments. They can rest for a moment while drinking coffee on the teak wood coffee table before going back around the gallery.

Then, there are special spots for taking photos with friends in several corners with markers in the form of Indonesian teak wood long chairs. Put the typical Jepara carvings on it to play the ethnicity on the back of the chair that matches the soft cushion. Visitors who really know art and want to enjoy the artist’s work will also feel comfortable and they can come back another time to bring lots of people.

A Touch of Wooden Furniture from the Outside

You have worked hard as a gallery owner in providing a space for interaction between the artist and art lovers. Therefore, you need professional help who will assist you give a touch of wooden furniture from the outside area of the gallery. You can make the gallery less arrogant than usual but still elegant by placing lounge chairs at the front of the gallery.

The chairs will give you a touch like visiting your own home because you can sit relaxed in front while taking photos of the surroundings before entering the gallery. On the other hand, those of you who like discussion forums can provide details on the terrace or patio area by placing a table made of teak wood with a fairly wide diameter and a three legged bottom as a support.

In this area, gallery visitors can do the chit chat and discuss everything about the works of art inside the gallery. You can place one or three round tables that can withstand even bad weather by adjusting the area in front of the gallery. Next, on the middle table can be a place for an artistic item like a small to medium sized statue as decoration.

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Custom Price Display Console Table Below the Art

You can place a number of custom console tables right under the artwork. Perhaps not all works of art have this consul custom table. Only a few works of art that you value as special. The consul table material must be of high value, such as sturdy teak wood with classy paint strokes. You can also make a plate to place the price of the artwork from the same wood material.

To be able to get a touch of classy custom wooden furniture and be able to elevate your art gallery, you can contact us now. We will come to brainstorm with you right away. What designs you wish for will be our command with some adjustments.