teak outdoor furniture – Using the patio, veranda, and backyard for aesthetic photos is what people are doing nowadays on social media. How this open space that integrates with the structure of the house can be the right place to relax. Others make open spaces profitable places because they rent them out as photo studios and wedding venues. 

You can also take this idea by applying the green living concept using wooden furniture. The wood can come from Indonesia, such as teak, which is strong, resistant to any weather conditions, and easy to maintain. 

Wooden Furniture for Patio

A patio is an open area or courtyard in a house or office building that doesn’t have a deck or platform. Patios sometimes look like terraces that are flat on the ground without railings. The patio can integrate with the structure of the house or not. Most patio designs have unique landscape elements. Therefore, you need to adapt wooden furniture to the patio design which is generally landscaped but can be very flexible too. 

Sturdy teak wood furniture is suitable for balancing patio materials in the form of stone, brick, cement, or concrete. You can apply this wooden furniture to the patio at the front, side, or back of the house. Select the furniture according to your needs and the concept you want to elevate. 

You can put a sun lounger bench in the patio area without a canopy. This is a special spot for people to sunbathe or do outdoor photo shoots with certain themes. You can also add a large umbrella to cover the round teak wood table where you place several props or food. A round table could be an option because it looks flexible. However, you can also apply a square wooden table with typical Jepara carvings by adjusting the chairs. 

Other Articles : Pump Up the Spirits of Gallery Visitors with a Touch of Wooden Furniture in Each Corner

Wooden Furniture for Veranda 

You can maximize the function of a veranda on the second floor and above of a building. You can put wooden furniture whose size matches the size of the veranda. Just like a 2-seater chair or a lounge chair. 

You can also choose a rocking chair with a contemporary teak wood design that supports a soft seat and back. Also, combine it with a small teak wood table like a coffee table to place your property or drinks while you relax on the veranda. 

Wooden Furniture for Backyard

Backyards usually have swimming pools, fish ponds, or barns where you store things you no longer use. You can make your backyard more artistic by adding outdoor recliner chairs to relax while watching the fish swim. The height of the wooden table must also be parallel to the chair. 

If there is a swimming pool in the backyard, you can place a sun lounger or aesthetic beach chair made from teak wood for sunbathing. At the edge of your backyard, you can also provide a teak towel rack with a contemporary design whose wood paint color matches the atmosphere of your backyard, such as teal blue or grayish green.

If you currently need professional assistance to procure wooden furniture in several outdoor areas, you can contact us. Our team will do brainstorming with you about the design and everything you need to decorate your patio or veranda with wooden furniture.