Jepara furniture – Collaboration in completing a project from a company greatly impacts the acceleration of work. Hot desking offers an area where employees can flexibly complete their work. They can choose the work desk they want with electricity sockets, telephones and other things they need to start working.

Hot desk is important for professionals so they can work according to their portion and the timetable they choose. To be able to provide this comfort, the company prioritizes this hybrid workspace so that it can utilize the space without having to add new areas.

Employees are free to choose available desks at different times. Meanwhile, at the same time, we will no longer see empty desks because the number of employees who use the desks is punctual according to those who will be present at a certain time.

Wooden Furniture Inside Cabin House Tells You Everything

The Design of the Desks

Hot desking really requires a number of wooden furniture that workers can rely on. Teak wood is a sturdy and durable material for a work desk in this hot desk room. You can choose the table design according to your needs. Whether this is a simple square wooden desk or a modular table for a workstation with many applications of technology on it.

Then for the color, you can choose black, dark gray or dark brown varnishing. These colors will give a bold image in that room. However, if you love to use neutral light color like beige or broken white, just do it. All you have to do is to adjust the desk color with the floor color, lighting and the whole vibe inside. Maybe there are some drawers or cabinets here.

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Flexible Work Chairs

Chairs have quite a big impact on work progress. You cannot just choose a chair model that matches the desk in terms of the design. For instance, you just make custom lounge wooden chairs so that workers can happily complete their tasks in the hot desk room. However, this chair has a high potential in providing a touch of laziness and negligence during working hours.

Therefore, you should provide an ordinary work chair from teak wood with a soft leather seat cushion filled with dacron foam. You can also give the backrest a special treatment for the soft cushion too. Meanwhile, you can also provide ergonomic chairs with small wheels at the bottom of the legs for certain needs.

The Items Storages

Drawers or cabinets are important too inside this hot desk room. These storages will accommodate all your stuff. Company files, office stationery supplies, and employee belongings will be safe inside these cabinets or drawers. You can make a custom cabinet or sideboard to keep all the stuff. The design will be yours but you can discuss the suitability of the design with the hot desk room with the craftsmen.

Well, if you need to talk to a professional craftsman, you can contact us now. We will have a brainstorming to decide the best design, color and theme. Don’t hesitate to call us through this website or Instagram as we will have you on the line every single time.