teak outdoor furniture – You will agree that wooden furniture is the furniture that most people are interested in. The reason is because the model is timeless and elegant. So that it looks good and lasts long, you need to care for it before mold grows on your wooden furniture. If mold grows, it will change appearance and become annoying and even rot. However, if mold has started to grow on your wooden furniture, you can follow these simple tips.

7 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Mold on Wooden Furniture

Moist areas or splashes of water can damage wooden furniture, causing mold to grow and it look worn out. Especially, if the furniture fills the outdoor area of ​​your house. Furthermore, apart from changing the appearance of this furniture, it can also cause respiratory problems or allergy symptoms. So, you should immediately take appropriate steps to get rid of this fungus.

Dry Wooden Furniture in the Sun

If your furniture is made from Jepara teak or other wood that is resistant to sunlight, you can dry the furniture directly in the sun. Because humidity is a trigger for the growth of mold. Just dry it in the sun for half an hour every day to reduce mold growth and kill it.

Apply Alcohol

Yes, you heard right. If you have alcohol at home, you can rub it on all sides of the furniture. You can use foam or fabric then wet it with alcohol and spread it over moldy wooden furniture.

Other Articles : How to Protect Furniture with Teak Wood

Use Wood Cleaning Fluid

Besides applying alcohol, try rubbing wood cleaning fluid on moldy furniture several times. Repeat until the fungus is completely gone from the surface of your wooden furniture.

Laying Camphor

It turns out that camphor is very useful for reducing the growth of fungus on your Indonesian wooden furniture. Fungi don’t like the aroma and ingredients in camphor. Place it in a cupboard or close to wooden furniture. Replace it when the old camphor starts to lose its scent and will soon run out.

Install Lights in the Wooden Furniture Area

There are several types of wood that you should not dry in direct sunlight. Because some wooden furniture tends to change its texture and become damaged. Another alternative, you install lights in a room that has wooden furniture. The warm light from the lamp will help reduce the growth of mold.

Add a Layer of Varnish

Apart from beautifying the appearance of wooden furniture, varnish is also effective in restoring the beauty of moldy wooden furniture. Before applying varnish, you must first clean the surface of the moldy furniture and then apply an even layer of varnish.

Rub the Surface of Wooden Furniture with Lime and Salt

These two natural ingredients are effective in dealing with the problem of moldy wooden furniture. This material is cheap and widely available at home. The first step you need to do is to clean the moldy area. Then rub in salt and rub with lime wedges. Then, fan the furniture until it is completely dry. The acid content of lime mixed with salt will destroy mold on the surface of the wood.

Never be too late in saving moldy wooden furniture until you can no longer use it. You can apply the tips above yourself at home. However, if you experience difficulties maintaining wooden furniture, you can contact a trusted Jepara wooden furniture maintenance service by sending us a message. It’s time to care for wooden furniture so that it lasts longer and always looks attractive.