Casual and terrace restaurants usually serve food at affordable prices. The atmosphere in this kind of restaurant is more casual, the chatter in the air is also more relaxed than a fine dining restaurant, and customers are usually free to come at any time without a reservation. Even though it is as casual as it is, a casual or terrace restaurant still has to pay attention to its interior and decoration to be able to compete with other casual dining restaurants. 

Placing several wooden dining sets with proper designs can attract customers apart from delicious dishes and a flexible vibe. Wooden elements with attractive colors and contemporary designs will add to the aesthetic value of a casual restaurant. 

Sturdy Wooden Dining Set for Casual or Terrace Restaurant

Teak the Sturdy Wood

You need to make a wise decision about the wood for furniture inside your casual restaurant. Teak wood, which is sturdy and you can make it into various designs with attractive coating colors, could be the best choice. A terrace or casual restaurant will usually accommodate many people at one table with menus in individual potions. People will move the menu books from one table to another and from one side to another. 

You need to pay attention to the type of wooden dining set that will be a place to choose a menu, eat, drink for hours, and many other exciting activities. Chairs and tables must come from sturdy teak wood. Meanwhile, you can adjust the dining set design to suit the restaurant concept. 

Dining Set with Appropriate Materials

We know that material standards for restaurant environments must be higher than other public places. Dining set materials must be wear-resistant, waterproof, anti-bacterial, and oil-resistant. Meanwhile, the design can be up to you. Sometimes you need professional help from the nearest craftsman to determine the design like jepara furniture

You might be able to choose a set of dining tables, dining chairs, bar chairs, lounge chairs, sofas, and other models from the same teak wood. Like a square teak wood table that you place in a row with dining chairs on the left side and sofa chairs on the right side. The table has wide pyramid-like legs at the bottom of the middle of the table. 

Then you can choose the dining set paint color pink bronze or honey soft bronze which gives a warm and elegant impression. 

Custom Wooden Dining Set

Sometimes you need a multi-purpose wooden table that you make custom where you can extend it to accommodate more people. Initially, this table is only for one circle of 2 or 4 people. Then when the members of one circle increase by 2 or 4 people, the waiter can pull the table lengthwise so that everyone can eat together at the same table. 

So, what ideas of wooden dining sets you wanna bring to your casual restaurant? Let us know and let us help you to bring it on! Call us now for professional help in making the beautiful design of wooden dining sets.