teak outdoor furniture – We all know that teak wood is the type of wood that is more resistant to all weather conditions. The older it gets, the price can be higher. This wood also doesn’t require complicated maintenance. It’s not surprising that we often see teak wood furniture at exhibitions and in people’s houses. 

Jepara craftsmen in Indonesia are also famous for their ability to process teak wood into world famous furniture. Teak wood furniture designs are also unique and not all are the same. 

Perhaps many people think that teak wood furniture designs will be monotonous, all the same, and all sharp brown which represents the strength of the wood. However, what you see may not be the whole picture. There are so many designs of teak wood furnitures such as tables, mirrors, chairs, desks, and bookshelves popping up in various places. 

Teak wood, which is strong, weather resistant, shock resistant, and has become a timeless icon, has received extraordinary attention from many artists. This wood furniture design looks more flexible while maintaining its classy side.

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Minimalist Contemporary Design of Teak Wood Furniture 

The design of teak wood furniture that we found in grandfather’s or grandmother’s homes in Southeast Asia in ancient time was classic and vintage. It had a strong and rustic style too. That was the the attraction of teak wood furniture when it first appeared. 

Along with the development of people’s tastes for more modern and minimalist decoration needs, teak wood furniture designs are now emerging that adapt to modern home designs. Homeowners can still feel the benefits of teak wood and the design follows a minimalist contemporary style. 

However, people now can choose black teak wood paint color to give a modern impression. Like the coffee table which has now become the center of many homes and shops. When guests enter your living room, they will find a black teak coffee table with a design forming four legs. You can create a leg design that resemble the roots of wood lying wild in the forest.

Mid Century Modern Teak Table for Communal Space

Teak furniture for communal spaces will add a classic, modern, and minimalist impression. However, communal space can be a meeting area for office or home residents. On other occasions, this area can also be a place for online meetings. Therefore, you have to place a long table with a touch of mid century modern furniture design.

This room should be an area that sparks creativity with a dynamic honey brown teak wood table. This long table area will enter the screen when you are holding an important meeting online. Don’t forget the layout of the coffee table in the corner, the bookshelf behind it, and teak chairs near the table will add a professional impression. 

When this communal space becomes an offline meeting place for friends, you can use the long table as a place to chat. There will be food and beverages that you place on the table in between the many gadgets for working. You can relax and sit while chatting and occasionally checking your work on gadgets. 

Just focus on the surface of the teak table flat with a little grid as an accent so that the furniture doesn’t look too stiff. Then the four table legs can form a 45-degree angle for a modern and flexible look. 

If you feel it’s so difficult and risky to mix and match the design of teak wood furniture, you can call us right away. We will give a hand to hold all your wishes. We hope the timelessteak wood furniture design will always be an inspiration for your life.