What happens to wood with age? Aging wood will change its color due to oxidation. Moreover, it will have less moisture but more scratches and dents. Many homeowners prefer to furnish their homes with old hardwood furniture. They consider this furniture more attractive and sturdier than new hardwood furniture. However, others doubt the sturdiness of this furniture because they think time negatively affects wood. In reality, what happens to wood with age?

Hardwood is one of the most durable materials. Consequently, hardwood furniture can last for decades. However, wood is similar to humans in terms of aging. As time goes by, hardwood furniture will experience several changes.

What Happens to Wood with Age?

Hardwood furniture is not immune to aging. Wood on furniture will undergo several changes over time. What happens to wood as it ages?

  • Change Color

Aging will cause wood to change color. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to oxidation and sun exposure. However, different wood species will change their color differently. 

For example, teak wood will change from honey-gold to silvery-grey patina and cherry will transform its lighter color to a deeper amber tone. Aside from this natural color change, wood may also get stains from water, metal, heat, and chemical exposures as it ages.

  • Less Moisture Content

Over time, wood on furniture will lose some of its moisture content. Therefore, your wood furniture has less moisture than it was in the first years you have it. Losing moisture will improve the wood’s stiffness and strength.

However, losing too much moisture can cause wood furniture to warp or crack. Therefore, homeowners must properly care for their furniture, particularly during a dry winter.

  • Fungal Damage

Wood may get fungal damage as it ages. This condition is common in outdoor wood furniture. Moreover, it is also common in wood furniture that does not get proper seasoning or care.

Fungal damage on wood will cause staining and strength loss. The wood loses its strength because fungi transform the wood fiber into powder. Wood with fungal damage will also produce a hollow sound when knocked.

  • Scratches and Dents

Older wood furniture has more scratches and dents than the new one. The amount of these scratches and dents is commonly higher if the owner of the furniture has pets and small kids.

Due to these defects, older wood furniture looks less attractive than the new one. However, you can use several methods to renew the look of this furniture.\

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Tips for Caring for Old Wood Furniture

Without proper care, your wood furniture will age at a fast rate. Consequently, the furniture will be less durable than expected. Below are several tips for caring for old wood furniture.

  • Clean your wood furniture frequently because it can prevent scratches caused by dust.
  • Immediately wipe your wood furniture dry if you spill liquid on it.
  • Avoid placing objects directly on your wood furniture’s surface to prevent the formation of rings.
  • Hide scratches by rubbing a walnut nut on the wood. You can also use No.000 steel wool and hard paste wax to remove them. However, you may need to stain the wood if it has many scratches.
  • Apply wood filler if your old wood furniture has deep dents.
  • Rotate the location of your wood furniture so it ages evenly.
  • Rotate the decorations on a wood table to prevent uneven aging.
  • Apply wood oil at least once a year to prevent fungal damage, warping, and cracking.

What happens to wood with age? Older wood furniture will experience several changes as it ages. Aging can reduce the wood furniture’s durability. However, you must not worry about it if you buy the furniture at https://republicfurnitures.com/contact-us because Republic Furniture only sells top-quality wood furniture.